Thursday, October 23, 2008


Well its that time of the year, yes folks the Deer Hunting Season is upon us. I think there is a hunt in every month. Lets see in August we had the Archery Hunt, I'm sure there was one in September maybe the Duck hunt started then and now in October we had what used to be known as a Holiday when I was a kid the Deer Hunt!!! When I was little we used to go out camping for the deer hunt now my boys go stay in Motel Rooms that are just done the road from their hunting grounds. I think that takes all the fun out of the Hunt, at least I would have when I was younger, but now that I'm older give me indoor plumbing, hot shower and T.V. any day!! This year Robert and My Dad drew out for Northern Utah and Matt drew out for Central. Every year they have all gotten tags for the same area but for some reason this year they didn't. So last Saturday opening morning Dad Robert Matt and Carter headed out towards Kamas or somewhere around there.........The only thing they saw were a Mama Moose and her baby. No deer, so on Saturday Matt and Robert headed out again only to get a flat tire and not see anything. Not that it hurts my feelings they didn't get one, I personally do not like Deer Meat, but it is kinda exciting when one of them gets one. I'm not sure if they are going to try again this weekend, all I can say is Silly Hunters they're hiding from you!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I have been a primary teacher since about February and I have loved every minute of it. I teach the Valiant 9. I have never had a calling before this is my very first and I am so glad too. These kids have taught me so much, I tell them all the time that they should be the ones teaching since they know more than me. I even requested to be able to move up with them next year, don't know if it will happen or if the kids would even like that. I took these pictures last week since it was the last week for Ella, she is moving and I don't know what we will do without her wisdom. This little girl knows so much about the scriptures that I am in awe of her. I will miss her and I know the rest of the class will too! I'm sure from these pictures you will be able to tell how most of the class time goes I could only get one serious one and tons of goofy silly ones.

Monday, October 6, 2008

"I'm so happy your my Aunt"

So this weekend my sister-in-law went with my mom and a bunch of others to St. George to see a play so while Robert was off golfing, Bronson on the duck hunt I got to spend the time with 2 of my favorite people Carter & Shayla. We started out the weekend going to see the movie IGOR, we went with Matt, Shayla Carter and Bronson. Saturday night Bronson went with Matt and my Dad to Priesthood, Shayla and Carter hung out with me watching movies. Since it was so late when the Men returned Bronson went to spend the night at Matt's and the kids stayed with me. Shayla was out pretty early but Carter, he's my night owl we stayed up and watched Halloweentown which is a very cute movie. The next morning I awoke with Shalya tapping me on the shoulder telling me its morning meeshell, lets go wake up someone else. I guess she likes to wake up people by making the rooster sound very loud. Thank goodness she didnt do this to me. We then headed over to their house so they could play with their toys and get clothes. I cant tell you how much fun I had with them, I wish they could stay little forever, so sweet so innocent. While I was making them lunch Shayla came up to me hugged my leg and said "I'm so happy your my aunt meeshell" to which I replied "I'm so happy your my neice" Shayla replied "I know". I just love how one little person can melt my heart.


Bronson just went on his first hunt, well the first one that he could carry a gun and actually shoot something. My brother Matt took him and they went to Clearlake (where ever that is) they got up at like 4am and didn't get home until 10pm(long day) Bronson had a few mishaps that I just can't begin to describe in words. He got stuck in the mud twice ruined the splint he has on his hand (He broke his hand but cut the cast off on the 1st day so Dr. just put splint on it) his head cold got worse but he had a successful hunt. Matt told me how proud he was of Bronson for how safe he was with his gun, that is a big relief for me and those of you who know Bronson like I do! I had to use the camera on my phone since my batteries are dead on my camera. I will post more on my great weekend because while Matt and Bronson were out hunting I was spending time with 2 of my favorite people Carter & Shayla!