Well its that time of the year, yes folks the Deer Hunting Season is upon us. I think there is a hunt in every month. Lets see in August we had the Archery Hunt, I'm sure there was one in September maybe the Duck hunt started then and now in October we had what used to be known as a Holiday when I was a kid the Deer Hunt!!! When I was little we used to go out camping for the deer hunt now my boys go stay in Motel Rooms that are just done the road from their hunting grounds. I think that takes all the fun out of the Hunt, at least I would have when I was younger, but now that I'm older give me indoor plumbing, hot shower and T.V. any day!! This year Robert and My Dad drew out for Northern Utah and Matt drew out for Central. Every year they have all gotten tags for the same area but for some reason this year they didn't. So last Saturday opening morning Dad Robert Matt and Carter headed out towards Kamas or somewhere around there.........The only thing they saw were a Mama Moose and her baby. No deer, so on Saturday Matt and Robert headed out again only to get a flat tire and not see anything. Not that it hurts my feelings they didn't get one, I personally do not like Deer Meat, but it is kinda exciting when one of them gets one. I'm not sure if they are going to try again this weekend, all I can say is Silly Hunters they're hiding from you!
13 years ago
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