Saturday, December 4, 2010


I guess its time to blog again! I don't know why I cant seem to get into it maybe its because I think I have a very boring life, but according to my co-worker David, I should write a book just based on the stories I tell him about my family he is convinced I would have a best seller. Anyhow right now I cant even think of any funny stories to tell. I have been sorta down and kinda depressed for the last little while and things in my life keep happening to make me down and depressed. First off I am not at all excited about the holiday season. In fact I hate this time of the year. I love the meaning of Christmas but all the other stuff I hate. It doesn't help when it seems like everything at once keeps happening. Thanksgiving morning my washer broke (my brother Michael fixed it for me) My Uncle Dennis passed away Thanksgiving night and no one can fix that one. It was a shock and he will be greatly missed by all. When I was little he used to scare me but the older I got the more I learned it was Aunt Carol I should be afraid of. My boys loved Uncle Dennis too, I guess Bronson couldn't say his name so he would call him Uncle Beevis. His viewing was on my birthday which was alright, it was just the fact that I am another year older that was depressing. And now to put the cherry on the top my car broke down its going to take who knows how much to fix it. So Merry Christmas to me that will be my family's Christmas thank goodness my boys are old enough to understand. Well sorry to be such a downer on my post but ya know sometimes ya just gotta let it all out. I do sincerely hope anyone who reads this will indeed have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season!


susette said...

Michele, my heart goes out to you and the frustrations you are experiencing right now. I can definitely relate to the pain you are feeling and hope you can feel better soon. If it takes a long time that's ok too. I cry still whenever I want to and nobody criticizes me either, which I'm grateful for.
It was fun to see you a couple weeks ago over at Winco. I'm sure loving that store more and more!
Good luck with everything.

susette said...

Hi michele. Are you still on 1200 West? My daughter is moving down into those condos and I wondered if she is going to be in your ward??