Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I lead a very boring life......I go to work, go home, yell at the kids and bird, fix dinner, watch TV, go to bed, get up and do it all over again. There has to be more to life than this. I used to have an out 1 Friday out of every month playing Bunko, but I guess someone has another life that they wanted to live during the summer so now I have no outs well okay I guess you can count Sunday when I get to teach primary, or should I say when primary teaches me. Let me tell you I look forward to Sundays now, I just love these kids. I have never had a calling before, but this has been one of the most amazing experience. I have learned so much in just the few short months I have been with them, it has definitely made my testimony stronger. There are 5 girls and 2 boys (only 1 of them shows up)Sometimes I think they are 9 going on 19 at least the girls act like it. School starts YEAH YAHOOEY YIPPEE SKIPPY, I am so excited my grocery bill and electric bill will go back down. Robert is changing schools this year and is determined to get good grades since I added a little incentive in there (but that's between me and him)Bronson is also wanting to get good grades because he realizes that he has to in order to try out for the teams. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but we are all setting some goals for the new school year. (Mom, I know what your thinking) I just had to post something since my sister-in-law hated going to my blog and seeing Rick's face..


About us said...

Thank you!!

susette said...

Hi Michelle, Primary days were some of my fondest memories too. So happy for you to get to teach those sweet children. I'm curious about the school change? Porter is trying something new this year too. Traditional High School just wasn't for him. He's trying East Shore and the whole packet thing. He promises he wants to graduate still. I sure hope he will stay motivated and on track. Any ideas for good incentives?

KellyandJax said...

Michelle! I think Rick Springfield needs to be a permanent fixture on your site! He is so groovy! :) I commented on my blog to your response :)

The Beniks said...

I cant believe you yell at your poor bird! What did he ever do to you?!? You should think about that next time your in Primary and teaching your youngin's to be kind and loving like Jesus....I hope for good grades for your boys too. I know they can do it and if they dont I know youll be there to yell at them some more...I think youve been spending too much time around me and now moving to the dark side of constant nagging and bitching....Anyway...good luck with keeping the boys motivated and keep on keepin' on with your love for primary. The kids are too cute and very lucky to have you as their teacher!