Monday, September 7, 2009


Since my sister in law didnt like the 1st video of Shayla workin it I had to do an updated one, now that Shayla no longer struts like her dad showed her! So you be the judge which one do you like?


Natasha said...

What a cute little girl! It was so good to hear from you. I am so happy to hear that you went through the temple this summer and were sealed to your parents. That is wonderful!! I can't get the smile off my face. :) I would love to talk to you you sometime. My phone went through the washer recently. It is no longer working as you can imagine and I can't get retrieve my contacts. So, when you get a chance, please email me your phone number at (I use this email when I post to blogs...just in case.) We'll be in Utah over Christmas, so we'll have to come visit!